LIFE OF A NURSE                                                            

       Nursing is defined as “the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities and populations”.

        A person chooses to become a nurse might be due to various reasons like- few individuals might have dreamt to serve the people due to personal or social experience since childhood, few might have dreamt to work Overseas, few might have thought to get concrete job in future. Whatever the reason is, a person cannot become a nurse overnight. It demands tons of sacrifices, dedication, kindness and love towards mankind.

       The journey of a B.Sc. nurse begins with the first step she takes out of house after completion of high school (12th standard) to pursue her dream and ends up to the nursing college with many unknown faces having similar hopes and thoughts. Since, she knows that she has 4 long years to go to complete her degree, she starts to compromise and adapt in the environment she is in. In order to complete her course, she not only has to pay lakhs of hard-earned money of her parents, but also has to forget her eating, sleeping and recreation time. College life of a nurse is not as easy as it seems to be. She has to study so hard that she barely sleeps for 6 hours as she has to study for exams of various subjects almost every day. She rarely enjoys her weekends as, apart from washing and cleaning for a week, she has to complete a thick note book of assignments almost every week. Add on to that, she has to undergo numerous community postings in order to understand, educate and provide health aids to the people in the community, numerous hospital postings in order to get practical exposure with the sick patients. 4 to 6 hours of posting followed by 3 to 4 hours of theoretical classes mold her to become an iron lady in 4 years. It’s always not necessary that all the students are localities, most of them might have come from other states or countries. So, for them, language is not only the barrier, also different culture and tradition and food and life style make their life harder. However, tackling with all physical and psychological obstacles, she graduates taking the following ‘Nightingale Pledge’ and gets ready for the life she has dreamed of.

“I solemnly pledge myself before God and in the presence of this assembly, to pass my life in purity and to practise my profession faithfully. I will abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous, and will not take or knowingly administer any harmful drug. I will do all in my power to maintain and elevate the standard of my profession, and will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to my keeping, and all family affairs coming to my knowledge in the practice of my calling. With loyalty will I endeavor to aid the physician in his work, and devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care’’.

       Once a nurse graduates from college, she has versatile areas to work with. It is always not mandatory that a nurse has to work in the hospital in order to serve the needy one. Until she has the loving heart, caring nature and compassion towards people, a nurse can cure patient in every areas she works.
Following are few of the scopes where a nurse can choose and lead her career:
1.       Practice- Staff Nurse
2.       Research- Research Nurse
3.       Education- Teacher/ Nursing trainer
4.       School- school nurse
5.       Industries- Occupational Nurse
6.       Administration- medical sector             
7.       Military Nurse

      Even though there are numbers of other areas where a nurse can work, maximum of the nurses’ work in Hospital as a staff nurse. India produces more than 60,000 nurses every year but still many hospitals have shortage of nurses.  Since, every people have concept that Nurse= Hospital, people start to wonder what a nurse is doing in any other sectors of the above scope. For instance: If a nurse is hired in Research institute, surprisingly! she will be asked question- ‘Being a nurse, you are supposed to work in hospital ward, what are you doing in research?’ That’s how, to some extent, her enthusiasm of leading her professional career in other field of nursing service shrinks and she is again bound to work as a staff nurse in the hospital. I don’t understand one thing, when there are numbers of other fields a nurse can pursue her career then why should she confined in the hospital?

     A nurse is not constrained only as a patient care provider in health care industry, she directly or indirectly plays vital roles in multiple aspects in peoples’ life. Following are few of the important roles she can fulfill in the daily life of the people.

1.       Nurse Practitioner
2.       Nurse Educator
3.       Nurse Administrator
4.       Research Nurse
5.       Manager
6.       Counselor
7.       Change Agent
8.       Teacher
9.       Care Giver
10.   Communicator
11.   Client advocate
  Even though there are multiple roles a nurse can play, people still more or less contemplate as a care giver only.  

       Everybody acknowledges that a nurse is always a humble, hardworking, dedicated and service-oriented person but ultimately the same person forgets that she has to sacrifice countless things to maintain this attitude and uphold the profession. When we think about a nurse who provides service to the patients in the hospital, we too should not forget that she provides service to the patients not merely because of her duty but, because she is a nurse. Actual life of a nurse is not as simple as patients and their relatives observe in the hospital. A nurse barely knows what family life is? How personal life is? How does the sunny and the beautiful days look like? How many spring seasons are faded? How will be the hassles free day in her life? Will there be any night she sleeps without the image of the patients in her life? From the time she starts her career, she forgets to take care of
herself. She starts her day before dawn with or without a bite of breakfast for her 1st shift in the hospital, keeps standing and running around the patients for 8 long hours that mostly extends for 10 hours and returns home where again responsibilities towards her family keep awaiting. Morning and afternoon shifts are still not as strenuous as night shifts. Some hospital has policy of 12 hours night shifts that sometimes elongates for 14 hours, so she barely manages to get sound sleep in her entire life of nursing profession. Delirium, fatigue and amnesia are common in nurse’s life which is obviously due to lack of sleep/ rest and food on time. A nurse is prone to get nosocomial and cross infections very often. Regardless of all these challenges, she still wears a radiant smile on her face and take care of patient energetically.  However, nursing profession in India doesn’t seem to be as respectful as other profession. A nurse in Indian perspectives is only a person who just follows doctors’ order and helps the hospital management to run the smoothly. People specially in India, think that a nurse is just to administer medication, provide bedpan, bath bed ridden patients and other superficial actions which most of the patient’s attender and relatives perceive in the hospital. Forget about respect, in the some of so called reputed hospitals, patients and relatives do not mind treating a nurse as a servant as they have spent huge amount of money to the hospital. But how do these people know that they have spent money to the hospital not to the nurses?

       A nurse’s sacrifices, dedication and hard works would not have gone in vain if she would have paid generously. Nurses are always underpaid in India. Most of the hospitals pay them very minimum as a fresher which later on hinders a nurse to grow in her career. A nurse works day and night but get paid like peanuts. The bigger the hospital, more the workload and lesser the payment. Staff nurses are still paid 20s’K and need to work years together to get paid decently. Whereas, same profession is highly valued and paid proficiently in the overseas . Even if a nurse chooses to work in other areas of her field apart from staff nurse, she still doesn't get as much salary as she deserves. Therefore, it’s no wonder nurses go abroad and earn money and respect.

    A nurse who is all-rounder round the clock, who barely gets time for dinning with her family and for whom hospital is second home and patients indirectly become like family members is neither acknowledged nor recognized by anyone in the hospital.  Even if a hospital cannot move an inch without nurses and is full of nurses, she is hardly noticed by anybody in the hospital. Forget about patients and relatives being thankful and appreciate her endless sacrifices and selfless services she has provided, some of them don’t even wave her at the time of discharge when they are not happy with the hospital management. Ultimately to everyone, it will never be nurses but the doctor who save the patients. Indeed, it’s true that ''Nurses’ Day'' is celebrated every year to honor and express gratification to the nurses but that one day might or might compensate the humiliation, demoralization and psychological stress she goes through for 364 days. I too don’t deny the fact that some hospitals have policy to celebrate rewards and recognition regularly to motivate the nurses in the hospital but I feel like it’s giving a biscuit to a dog to be loyal. Might be self-satisfaction is one of the reasons why nurses feel happy when they discharge the patients and determine to provide affectionate care to heal patients in their best possible way, but eventually, their pocket wrenches their heart every month. Anyway, who is there to acknowledge their service and reward them for what they deserve? on the contrary, they end up being punching bag to receive tantrum of everyone in the hospital.

           Since, health care system in India and all over the globe is expanding day by day and demands of the nurses are always high, it is never difficult for a nurse to get a job. 99% of the nursing students end up starting their career as a staff nurse. High chances of job security in nursing profession is one of the reasons why a person chooses nursing profession. Despite the fact that, nurses are not paid and valued as other profession do, a nurse doesn’t have to be jobless due to versatile scopes she can choose. However, it is quite tough for a nurse to grow in her career. There are numerous scopes but have limited seats in other industries and existing staffs do not leave so easily, it is being very competitive for a nurse to get a job other that staff nurse in hospitals. As she is not paid much from the starting and less likely to have drastic growth in terms of salary in hospitals, other fields do not seem offer any better. Therefore, nursing is undeniably a secure job but not the great one in India.


    Firstly, as I mentioned earlier a nurse in many hospitals do not pay fairly. Secondly, she is failed to recognized in her career and thirdly, she never gets time to learn about the real world other than hospital and patients. So, many of the companies do not want to provide her opportunity to prove herself that she is also smart enough to handle non clinical jobs. A Nurse is not always dumb but honest in her job. It is noticed that a nurse who has moved ahead with her career in the higher position in any other company, she is still underestimated, criticized and discouraged. What is wrong if a nurse works in other industries if she is capable enough to carry her responsibilities flawlessly? Is it obligatory for a nurse to be restricted in the hospital to care about the people? It is stereotypical view of the people that a nurse cannot be as smart as employee of the other industries. Indeed, some of them can be a best resource to the company but I feel mindset of the people have to be changed and look into broad prospective to utilize her talents. Curing the patient in the hospital is only the profession but love, compassion, deep respect to humanity and selfless motive to help the needy one makes everyone a nurse. Being a nurse is an honor, move out of hospital and experience the other scope of it is a choice and being treated equally is the right.

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